Introducing the printed form automation tool, FormMation

Despite the growing adoption of EHR’s and other electronic tools across the Health Care industry and the increasing trend towards interconnectivity, paper still plays a large part in the average day of our providers and their staff.  A major portion of the paper we have to deal with are the pre-formatted forms that the schools, employers, governments and other institutions around us require.

Estimations for the time it takes to fill out the average form are around 8 minutes [1] or about 10 hours per week filling out non-clinical paperwork [2]. Some practices have estimated that the average form costs them $20-$30 in effort and lost productivity [3]. Multiplied by hundreds to thousands of forms a year it is no wonder many practices have started charging anywhere from $5 – $50 per form in order to cut their losses [4].

For those practices on an Electronic Health Record this only adds insult to injury as much of the information that is required on paper forms has already been documented in the EHR.  Having to then transpose that information to paper means duplicate work, opportunities for error, and the chance items may be missed leading to yet more re-work and dissatisfied patients.  The ability to have these types of forms generated alongside your clinical documentation automatically based on the information already entered into the EHR would be a major leap in fulfilling the electronic promise and providing both a financial and time-based return in your investment.

“This (Formmation school form) is the single best thing that has been introduced since we started EHR”
W Brownstein MD, Pediatrician, ProHealth Physicians

MBA HealthGroup is proud to announce the launch of FormMation, a simple yet powerful add-on to Allscripts TouchWorks EHR which will allow users to automatically generate pre-formatted paper forms with the information already entered in the EHR.  From simple school sport physicals to multi-page DOT Physicals FormMation can assemble data from virtually anywhere in your TouchWorks EHR system and pace in the appropriate places on the paper form.

FormMation will allow providers and staff to:

  •  Reduce duplicate work
  •  More quickly generate paper forms in accordance with your normal workflows
  • Provide a central repository of the forms your patient’s need electronically
  •  Reduce errors
  •  Improve accuracy on forms and increase compliance
  •  Increase patient satisfaction through quicker generation of forms and potentially lower/dropped fees for filling out paper forms

Reducing the time and effort required to generate mandatory paper forms your patients need can easily lead thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of dollars of savings and help get you and your staff home earlier.  Learn more at


[1] – Formmation. (n.d.). Retrieved August 13, 2013, from MBA HealthGroup:

[2], [4] – Should You Charge It. (n.d.). Retrieved August 13, 2013, from Physicians Practice:

[3] – Taming the paper tiger: Covering the cost of filling out forms. (n.d.). Retrieved August 13, 2013, from American Medical News: